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How to use MATLAB Simulink


MATLAB Simulink is a popular add-on of MATLAB. Here, you can use different blocks like modulator, demodulator, AWGN channel, etc. And you can do experiments on your own.





  1. Go to the 'Simulink' tab at the top navbar of MATLAB. If not found, click on the add-on tab, search 'Simulink,' and then click on it to add.
  2. Once you installed the simulation, click the 'new' tap at the top left corner.
  3. Then, search the required blocks in the 'Simulink library.' Then, drag it to the editor space.
  4. You can double-click on the blocks to see the input parameters
  5. Then, connect the blocks by dragging a line from one block's output terminal to another block's input.
  6. If the connection is complete, click the 'run' tab in the middle of the top navbar.  
  7. After clicking on the run button, your Simulink is ready. Then double-click on any block to see the output
  9. The following block diagram is an example of the MATLAB simulation of 'QPSK' or quadrature phase shift keying.
    Fig: QPSK Modulation and Demodulation

    In the above figure, for QPSK modulation and demodulation, we've used blocks like Random Integer Generator to generate the random integers 0, 1, 2, and 3, which are the inputs of the QPSK modulators. Then, the signal passes thru the AWGN channel. At the receiver side, we demodulate the signal using a QPSK demodulator. A scope is connected to the output terminal of the demodulator. Scopes are used to visualize the output signal.

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Admin & Author: Salim


  Interests: Signal Processing, Telecommunication, 5G Technology, Present & Future Wireless Technologies, Digital Signal Processing, Computer Networks, Millimeter Wave Band Channel, Web Development
  Seeking an opportunity in the Teaching or Electronics & Telecommunication domains.
  Possess M.Tech in Electronic Communication Systems.

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