One of the best-performing modulation techniques is QAM [↗] . Here, we modulate the symbols by varying the carrier signal's amplitude and phase in response to the variation in the message signal (or voltage variation). So, we may say that QAM is a combination of phase and amplitude modulation. Additionally, it performs better than ASK or PSK [↗] . In fact, any constellation for any type of modulation, signal set (or, symbols) is structured in a way that prevents them from interacting further by being distinct by phase, amplitude, or frequency. MATLAB Script (for 4-QAM) % This code is written by SalimWirelss.Com % This is an example of 4-QAM. Here constellation size is 4 % or total number of symbols/signals is 4 % We need 2 bits once to represent four constellation points % QAM modulation is the combination of Amplitude modulation plus % Phase Modulation. We map the decimal value of the input symbols, i.e., % 00, 01, 10, 11 to 1 + 1i, -1 + 1i, 1 - 1i, and -1 - 1i, respectively. cl...